Why A Roof Inspection Is A Must-Do For Your Home

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Roof repairs and replacement are a particularly costly home improvement and renovation project.

Roof inspections provide an opportunity to identify any issues that warrant repair as well as evaluate the remaining life of the roof.

While the owner may perform a basic roofing inspection, engaging the services of a professional roof inspector is always recommended.

First - The Roof Is Inspected

Typically, the inspector will keenly look at every inch of the roof, starting with the most common problem areas.

From ground level, the roofing inspector will use simple tools such as binoculars.

Additionally, the inspector, choosing to access the roof physically using a ladder, will be able to identify areas that have become weak over tie due to rot, leakages among other causes.

The exercise is not restricted to the roof as the inspector may examine some aspects of the interior of the building, assess the attic and other areas to give a more comprehensive and detailed report.

Did The Roof Inspection Find Problems?

A thorough roof inspection may reveal several potential problems.

These include buckling or blistered shingles, missing shingles and granules, poor ventilation around the room, apparent depression around vent pipes and weak, soft spots among others.

The information can be used to plan for DIY fixes such as replacing loose or missing shingles, clearing moss growth, cleaning the gutters and caulk flashing.

The inspector may also recommend a roof repair contractor at the home owner's request.

The Need For Regular Roof Inspections

Investing in consistent and regular roof inspection will help gauge the life of the roof as well as help in detecting problems early, which ultimately translates to great savings in repair costs.