The Differences Between Various Roof Types

For every builder, a house is deemed to be in the final stage when the roofing material has been installed and the final touches of decoration starts.

Now when it is the time for roofing, the builder will consider several factors before choosing the type of roofing material to use.

Here are some of the factors to consider.


This is the first factor to consider for the type of roofing material to use.

The material must be strong enough so as to give assurance of durability.

Resistance To Elements Of Weather

Superior roofing materials are the ones which can withstand several elements of weather such as extreme temperatures and precipitation.

Resistance to the elements of corrosion is another thing that is considered vital about roofs.


For any material to be used for roofing, it must pass the test of time of creating an aesthetic house.

It should be attractive and appealing to the outsiders.

Since time immemorial, several roofing materials have been utilized depending on the type of house and the preference of the house owner.

When you go online to this website there are various roof types discussed including:

  • Tile Shingles - Their uniqueness comes in terms of the long duration of lifespan of up to around eighty years. Although they are among the most expensive roofing materials, tile shingles have a very attractive appearance.
  • Metal Roofs - These are applauded for their strength and durability and are highly applicable to houses with steep or flat roof lines. Metal roofs are estimated to live up to 50 years of age in good service.
  • Asphalt Shingles - They are very popular in the building industry as they are very affordable. When asphalt shingles are coated, their lifespan is estimated to reach a maximum of thirty years.
  • Slate Shingles - This is a roofing material which is composed of quarried elements. Slate shingles have a 50 years lifespan.
  • Wood Shingles - Their natural aesthetic properties make them highly attractive and appealing. The hardwoods are known to live a duration of around 50 years.